Kind Word of the Week - Compassion

Even though my daughter is just 4 years old, she's a very compassionate person. If some other kid is hurt or crying, she's the first one on the scene to try and console them. How interesting, at such an early age, a child doesn't want to see someone else hurting. I also must add that she is a very sensitive child as well. Words hurt her feelings easily and she hates scary things and situations on tv (me too).
So, as adults, we can take a page from her simple book of life and experiences. Be mindful of your words towards someone, or in other words, think before you speak. Block out any negativity that surrounds you in your daily life - be it people, shows, or situations. If you are that person, now that you know better, do better. Lastly, if you know someone is hurting, offer a kind and comforting word and let it be. You did your part.
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